Dear colleagues,
Hereby I give you some information how things are going with Erasmusplus Project AXEP in the coming weeks.
Visit to Austria in Karres.
All visitors to the Volksschule in Karres will be hosted in Gasthaus Traube: www.gasthoftraube-karres.at/de/gasthof-pension-traube.html
Schulleiter Peter Schonger made the reservations for all his guests.
In his mail from the 12th of November he gave already some information.
So you can have breakfast and dinner in the whole group together. For lunch there will be catering service at school. Then the children go together to their host families and will be guided back for dinner.
Some pupils will contact their host families in the coming days.
The pupils, parents, teachers are very busy to prepare everything for the guests. Everyone is more than welcome. You will receive the program later.
Did you pass the link of the website to parents etc.?
- The Dutch Agency made us aware of it that the visit must be 5 days. If there is also a traveling day in these 5 days, there must be some activity for the whole group. You must mention that in your reports. Peter will make a program including this activity.
- We will look at fine the minutes made by our colleague from Gozo Mr. Mario Azzopardi.
- Please send two pictures with capitation (names etc.) for the booklet also of your visit to Houten and to Karres.
- Do not forget to let the pupils make the survey of their expectations of the meeting in Karres. Do not write them but let them make them digital (please in Word). Send those outcomes to Peter and to Anton. Remind not to help them, they have to give their personal reflection not as a team.
- Hopefully we can give the results of our logo competition in Karres, it depends of the stylist.
- In his messages Peter will talk about the possibility to make a sleigh tour downhill or to have some ski lessons for pupils. Take care for your traveling assurance for that. It only costs a few euro’s more. And think of warm clothes( also socks and warm gloves).
- Did you already fill in the info about the first meeting in Houten in your Mobility Tool?
- During the meeting we will talk about the costs of the website and the booklet.
- Bring some things for the showcase at the Volksschule Karres.
We will discuss these during the week in Austria/
Wish everyone fine Christmas days and a good New Year,
As usual, keep in touch, Anton Verwey.
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