Dear colleagues,
Hereby I give you some information how things are going with Erasmusplus Project AXEP in the coming weeks.
During this week, the first encounter between the school El Peralejo and the students and teachers of the partner schools within the AXEP Erasmus Plus project took place in Alpedrete. A program and schedules had been prepared, in which families, students, teachers, and other members of the community have been involved.
The week began with an “ice breaker” activity in which teachers, students and parents have to know each other. This activity took place in San Lorenzo de El Escorial. Seventy people (parents, students and teachers) followed a walking trail guided to the Silla de Felipe II in San Lorenzo de El Escorial, a historical monument in the nearby mountains. Next, there was a guided tour of the old quarter of the town, and later everyone enjoyed a traditional Spanish afternoon tea of churros and chocolate together.
At school, the guest students participated in lessons and gave presentations about their countries and schools. After school, they stayed at the homes of their host families.
The teachers discussed the development, preparation of common models to create a shared resource of educational activities to combat xenophobia and evaluate the project.
Another activity was the presentation of eTwinning: teachers from all schools created an online group in order to provide a place for everyone to share their experiences about the development of the AXEP project.
Everyone met the mayor at the Town Hall after a guided tour in our town, Alpedrete.
They also visited the “Madrid de los Austrias” and walked through the most emblematic places of Madrid.
An activity of special interest was the Round Table in which 60 students, parents and teachers from different nationalities shared their experiences coming to live in Spain.
How did the participation in this activity benefit the involved participants?
Since the beginning of the week, the Spanish school had wanted to prepare a program aimed at the dissemination, impact, and sustainability of the project.
The “Here in the Sierra”, newspaper came to the school in Alpedrete on the first day to write a report about the project, which will be published physically and online. In addition, the host school has been consistently updating school´s Twitter account, @el peralejo, with different posts about the Erasmus week. Finally, through the www.axep-erasmusplus-eu website all participants will write about this project week and upload a summary of guest students´ surveys before and after the visit to the host school. These summaries they will discuss with their classmates so that everyone can see what prejudices there were and that you in general use them quickly.
During the week many teachers, students, and their families from the Spanish school have participated very actively in activities, such as the excursion to San Lorenzo de El Escorial, the Round Table, the reception and welcome of the students. A mother from the school welcomed the guests with violin music. The visit to the town hall extends the project to the wider community, not just the school. Parents, grandparents, teachers from other Spanish schools and others interested now know about the AXEP project and are getting involved in it.
All the activities of this week Erasmus Plus in Alpedrete are designed to move towards the end of prejudice and the fight against xenophobia, all participating schools will present their experiences in their schools by making drawings, posters, showcases and other publications and presentations in their school. The long-term sustainability objective of the project.
Some remarks after our visit to El Peralego.
During the meeting in Alpedrete, staff members made appointments among other things like: the duration of the meetings, the information that would be uploaded in the Mobilitytool, the examples of lessons about the item of our project, the surveys made by children, the information about our website, the pictures for our booklet that we will make after the project and the possibility to have another project after this one. The Dutch teachers made minutes about these meetings and you will receive them soon by mail.
The next visit will be to Gozo. Ruben and Sandra will inform us as soon as they can.
Mobility Tool.
Please do not forget to give your information on the mobility Tool about the last visits; not everyone did it yet, your agency needs the information to give the next 40% of your budget next year. Therefore, it is important enough.
Visits for next year.
During our meetings on Gozo and The Netherlands, we will make appointments about the extra visits to the school in Zebbug and in Alpedrete. The partners of these schools can use the budget that was meant for a visit to Greece for other visits. They have to inform their agencies about it.
Questions or remarks do not hesitate and contact Anton Verwey.
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