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Good day dear colleagues, parents and pupils from all our partner schools.

Hopefully are things at your school getting better at the end of your school. I hope that the awful Covid period will change in a positive way. Please stay safe.

In the school De Plantage in Houten, things are turning into a better and regular way. We gave our pupils lessons by internet, and we started on 8 June with our regular lessons for all pupils.

We will have summer vacation until 31 August. Of course, we will be about one week before in school to make a startup.

For our going on AXEP project:

Of course, there are many things not sure at our schools of our partnership, but we must arrange some things and we cannot wait until September by trying to find a solution for the continuing of our project. This is also very important, the continuity, for our pupils.

That’s why I have been contacting most of our coordinators.

The following schedule is suggested:

  1. We will have one extra year 2021-2022 for our project. Our National agency agreed with it. Your agency will also contact you about it I suppose. That means that we have more time to arrange our meetings.
  2. The meetings to make this year 2020-2021 will be the ones that were proposed last year.
  3. Estonia in week 10 in 2021. Arrival at the 7th of March, the first day of the meeting will be the 8th of March. The official last day Friday 12th of March 2021 and the departure is planned in the following weekend.
  4. Malta in week 12 in 2021. Arrival at the 21st of March, the first day of the meeting will be the 22nd of march. The official last day Friday 26th of March 2020 and the departure is planned in the following weekend.
  5. Perhaps we can make one extra meeting during this year 2020 -2021 that was meant to be in Greece (could be Karres or Alpedrete). We have to ask Peter Schonger and the Spanish colleagues (the new director?) about it. Otherwise this meeting will be in the extra project year.
  6. There will be one extra meeting on Gozo in the last extra year. The colleagues from Gozo invited us already last meeting. We are very grateful for that hospitality!
  7. The last meeting of our project will be in The Netherlands in May/June 2022 in the last project year.
  8. It can be that your National Agency asks for explanation for budgets etc. Just inform yourself.

For first the month of this school year, we will try to make the following items to keep our nice project “alive”.

  1. Every school will work on the item of our project.
  2. It is expected that every school give four or five examples of lessons about our project on the projects website. If you have problems with that just contact Eva Hola:  Eva Hola <>
  3. Class teachers make contact with colleagues and pupils of partner schools by Skype, Zoom or Etwinning. We have a lot of experience of this matter now! Share your experiences of contacts on the website please?
  4. We will try to find out how we can send Christmas wishes etc. Some suggestions ??????

I suppose that you will inform all your colleagues.

Till so far, I wish you all the best during the last period before summer vacation and a good start afterwards, with all the preparations, for the coming next school year.

As usual,

Keep in touch,

Anton Verwey.

Questions or remarks do not hesitate and contact Anton Verwey.