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Lola from Spain visited school children in Lindi from 7th to 14th of June in 2021

Lola arrived just for the last week of our school year. It was a busy week for everyone in our school. First she visited Sandra (10 y) and they had really great time together.


In the end of the school year Lola was with our graduaters from 4th grade on the tour in South of Estonia. We started our trip early in the morning and Lola and teachers picked up all the boys and girls who just finished their studies in Lindi school. Now we had a last trip ahead all together again.

                   And our journey  begun. Lola had all the time the best view from the front window.


We were walking by the little path on the border of our state and the Republic of Latvia – Estonia on the left side and Latvia on the right side. And we made a stop also on the border at Valga city.


Lola enjoyed also when children swam in the deepest (38 m) lake of Estonia Rõuge Suurjärv (The Big Lake of Rõuge which is actually quite a small lake).


We climbed to the highest point (318 m from sea level) of Estonia – Suur Munamägi (The Big Egg mountain) watch tower and looked over the beautiful forests and fields.


We went to see the biggest (over 17 m high) and largest (over 8 m around) oak tree of Estonia and it is also the oldest tree in Estonia (little bit more than 700 y).


We visited the oldest open air museum in Estonia in Mõniste and learned a lot about life in past on the area of Estonia. Lola sat on a 200 years old chair from an old farm.


Lola had a very interesting trip with us and she had also lot of fun during these two days – in addition to “the most” places, she saw the bears in a zoopark with wild animals who live in Estonia, had a picnic by a small lake in the forest  and visited an old castle. Also she heard lot of interesting information about life in Estonia in the past and about our nature.


We are sure that she will tell all about her adventures to her friends in Alpedrete. We hope to see her again!

Georg, Ander, Lisete, Keron, Greete, teachers Kadri and Kaie