Dear colleagues,
Hereby I give you some information how things are going with Erasmusplus Project AXEP in the coming weeks.
Our logo.
Today the new logo of our project is presented. Of course, there were many nice and beautiful concepts. The designer Heiko Vielmuth chose one of the 8 logos that were made by pupils of all countries. He choose the concept of the Dutch girls Britt and Rosalie. They got as a reward a large drinking mug with their styled logo of AXEP. Compliments for all the fine designs. We will keep them and perhaps we can use them as illustration.
Visit to Austria in Karres.
It was a great success being together in Karres during our second meeting. Not only Peter Schonger but also his pupils, parents, mayor and staff got the compliments they deserved!
On the website www.AXEP-erasmusplus.eu , you can see how a small Austrian school can be great, but you also can see articles in the local newspaper in Karres but there is also an article with picture in the Dutch newspaper. Just look at the website!
This success will be an incentive for the other schools and make pupils and teachers eager to visit Gozo and Spain soon.
Ruben and José and their colleagues are busy to prepare the visits already. It is known that the staff of the Lindy school also is arranging matters.
Mobility Tool.
Please do not forget to give your information on the mobility Tool about the last visits; your agency needs the information to give the next 40% of your budget next year. Therefore, it is important enough.
Visits for next year.
During our meetings in Spain and Gozo, we will make appointments about the extra visits to the school in Zebbug and in Alpedrete. The partners of these schools can use the budget that was meant for a visit to Greece for other visits. They have to inform their agencies about it.
Questions or remarks do not hesitate and contact Anton Verwey.
+31613698777 or mail afc.verwey@planet.nl
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