An Overview of the visit
This visit provided the opportunity to all delegations to continue to meet and get to know each other. The students felt very welcomed and attended classes according to their age group at El Paralejo Public school in Alpedrete, Madrid. During the week the children had various activities and lessons related to the AXEP project. After school hours students spent the afternoon with a Spanish host family. It was a great occasion to experience their lifestyle and their culture.
Throughout the exchange the co-ordinators and teachers from all delegations had the opportunity to discuss issues related to the project; how to overcome xenophobia. They also had the opportunity to observe the teaching and learning methods and strategies being practiced at El Paralejo Public school.
Day 1: The children from all delegations were given a warm welcome in the school foyer. The school organised a special assembly to welcome all delegations. Students from all classes were curious to learn more about the students from all the delegations. Later in the afternoon the children had a horse-riding excursion. It was very nice to see the picture of the mascot from our school Żebi from Żebbuġ.
Day 2: Visit to the Alpedrate town hall. The children and teachers from all delegations met the local mayor and later walked around the town of Alpredrete. We also visited the Alpedrete marble sculpture museum. Later, back at school the students had two activities related to the AXEP project. First, they had a storytelling session and later they had a quiz in class. In the afternoon the children joined a local family and spent the afternoon with them.
Day 3: The children visited the classes and observed other students learning in their classes. Later they had a theatre activity. At around 11am the students had an excursion to Castillo de Manzanares El Real. The students really had good time exploring the 15th century castle with other 4th grade students from Alpedrete school. Later in the afternoon the students joined a local family and spent the afternoon with them at their house.
Day 4: After some time in class the students had a GYM kana activity in the playground. The topic was related to the AXEP project. The children had to find barcodes in the playground and answer questions related to respect and love towards others. This was great fun for the children as they had the opportunity to learn in groups through play.
Day 5: The children spent some time in the 5th Grade classes. During this lesson our children had the opportunity to talk about our village of Żebbuġ Gozo. This was a great opportunity for the children to share their culture and traditions with other Spanish students. Later, we joined the local 6th Grade students and had an excursion to Madrid, Spain.
What an nice experience!
The visits to classes and the activities provided for the delegations to observe and discuss school subjects tackling the main project’s objectives; overcoming xenophobia in schools among students.
“ I will never forget this experience!” – Maya Grace
“ I felt really welcomed at Alpedrete school. I will treasure the memories forever!” – Amber
We observed different practices throughout all days of the week. All the meetings gave opportunities for the sharing of good practices. We feel very grateful and we are looking forward to share these good practices with our colleagues at school. This week of discussions and sharing ideas confirmed that although we come from different countries we we all hold the same european values.
We will remember this experience for the rest of our life. The students will share their experience with other students. Participants will give feedback to SMT and teaching staff at our school with the aim that all stakeholders benefit from the project’s aim.
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